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Recreation Committee Minutes 2012/08/14
Sunapee Recreation committee meeting minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:23 pm
7/24 meeting minutes approved.
  • Scott reported that the Dewey beach and the George’s Mills beach e-coli counts were both negative for July and August.
  • Mt. Royal Athletic Field proposal:
  • Dave Tibeault, head master at Tm. Royal Academy, came to discuss the likelihood of developing the Dewey land parcel adjacent to Mt. Royal Academy for an athletic field.   This would help both the school and the town.  Mt. Royal would work with the town to raise funds needed if approved.
  • Brian Vincent of Worell Engineering presented plans from 2009 for the proposed development.
  • 210 X 360 ft. field.
  • 300 ft. baseball field.
  • Scott will reach out to Tony Bergeron and Teddy Gallup to find out information on test holes.
  • Also need to look into the ability to have an agreement deeded and what potential construction costs would be.
  • Wendell Marsh Project:
  • Van Web presented the Wendell Marsh construction project.
  • There is an official proposal but the highlighted benefits are:
  • Municipal drinking water supply.
  • Town owned sewer line.
  • Public access for hiking, snowmobiling etc.
  • Land conservation.
  • Education/Outdoor classroom.
  • Van Web will be presenting this to the Select Board as well as water and sewer department.
  • Financial Report:
  • Scott went to the Select Board to transfer funds from the revolving fund to the general fund.
  • Motion to move $33702.62 from the revolving fund to the general fund, leaving $20635.00 in the revolving fund.
  • Motion to approve by Paul Skarin.
  • Approved unanimously.
  • Red Sox Trip:
  • Lost $1,000.00 on this year’s trip.  Numbers were down this year.
  • 4 passes were used by Sunapee Rec. staff.
  • Sold remainder to scalpers to recoup costs.
  • Items to consider for next trip:
  • Whether to take a year off.
  • Try to get a larger mix from other towns.
  • Re-visit whether the Rec. Department would continue to cover the bus cost.
  • These items will be revisited in November.
  • Pontoon boat:
  • The proposed boat is smaller than what Atlas recommends.
  • Atlas may be purchasing 3 more boats for water fireworks.
  • No need to purchase a pontoon boat at this time.
  • Pump Track;
  • Craig & Scott have had a difficult time getting Mark Usko on site.
  • Discussed the likelihood of contracting another business.
  • Scott will call Caroll concrete.
  • Lights & Fence at Skate Park:
  • Scott will ask Craig Heino to check the timer on the lights at the park.
  • The LSB fence needs to be repaired.  Scott communicated this with the bank and the town will fix it.
New Business:
  • Ducks at the Beach:
  • Rhonda brought up the duck issues at Dewey Beach.
  • Decided that moving forward the staff will be allowed to “shoo” the ducks away in the future.
  • If any beach goers have a problem with this they can take it up with Jen F., Scott or the Rec. committee.
  • Parking tickets/signage:
  • Scott reported that many people have gotten ticketed because they are bringing their parking passes in because of the confusing sign that says “admission to beach with ticket”.
  • Need to come up with a new sign.
  • Jen F. will come to our next meeting to give a wrap up summer report.
  • Soccer:
  • As of this meeting:
  • Kinders:  15
  • 1-2:  25
  • 3-4 girls:  15
  • 3-4 boys:  20
  • 5-6 girls:  20
  • 5-6 boys:  13
  • Coaches Meeting:  Friday 8/17 at 5:30 pm.
  • Sunapee Harbor Magic:
  • Rhonda proposed beginning announcements for the event beginning in September.
  • $3700.00 ear marked by Dawna from the general fund.
  • Advertising needs to be approved by Scott.
  • Scott need so approve all funds being spent on the event.
  • John Arsenault (Dexter’s inn):
  • Proposed that we invite Bruce (tennis instructor) to the next meeting for a report on tennis.
  • John discussed Teen night at Dexter’s.
  • He brought up concerns that there is little to do for teens in the community and asked the committee to consider other evening activities for this age group.
  • Dexter’s would be willing to provide the venue any night other than Friday or Saturday.
  • He also asked that there be a review of the Recreation Department’s “communication policy”.  The board will take under advisement.
  • Paul Skarin motioned to adjourn.  Rhonda  seconded.
  • Next meeting 9/11/2012.